Welcome to Blu Side Studios! We are a growing team of creators all working towards the same end goal while providing various types of services including studio recording, music lessons, custom clothing, photography and videography. The Purpose of this brand is also to promote positivity and optimism in the darkest times of depression, loneliness and pessimism. The acronym '“BLU” stands for “Broken Lives United” and the name “Blu Side” doesn’t come from a physical location but instead, a mental location where the broken are guided. Here we work towards lifting those that need it the most and provide a sense of comfort and security through our creativity. Our purpose will always be to protect those battling the worst predicaments of life and improve the mental health of those suffering the most. We have deeply embedded enigmatic messages through the songs and detailed meaning through the artwork and images you may come across in this brand. We all have our times of despair so we challenge and encourage you to try and attempt to assimilate all that we have created for you. Have fun!
Now let me back track a bit…
My name is Stevie Delacruz, founder of Blu Side Studios. I’m a singer, song writer, musician, producer, and music instructor. I started playing instruments in 2015 at age 16 and gradually refined my skills over the years. I chose the path of being self-taught and I take pride in that. However, it did take much longer than it would have if I learned from someone higher than me. Our Job is to be that someone to really get the wheels spinning for you so you don’t have to invest years picking up an instrument. If you’re interested in developing a talent in music, check out our lessons page and see what plan appeals to you the most.
The Studio
Blu Side Studios is furnished with tens of thousands of dollars worth of music equipment. Our acoustically treated studio is the perfect spot to record at your best comfort. We operate using Logic Pro X as our DAW, we have 2 electric guitars, 3 acoustic guitars, an Alesis V61 keyboard, BLUE Bluebird SL microphone, an apollo twin x, a collection of guitar effect pedals and a 2020 Macbook Pro. This studio also provides a comfortable space for lessons as well and has everything you need for creative growth and development. “Studio access” only available to PREMIUM holders. Please contact for any additional questions!